Northern Exposure

By Northern

Carpe diem and all that.

One thing you learn very quickly in the Northern Isles is that you have to seize the moment. You can't get up in the morning, find a beautiful day and think 'Oh lovely, I'll go for a long walk after lunch' or call round your mates and arrange a BBQ for the next afternoon.

Nope, if it's nice you do the outdoor thing there and then. Can't wait, if you do - the rain and the wind will sneak up behind you and bite you on the bum.

The trouble starts when you've had as good a summer as we've had. You see, if you make the most of every moment assuming that it wont be there for long then eventually you realise that the things you've been saving for a rainy day... like work... are, well, saved.

Still, I could justify taking my bike out for a tirl this morning as I had to pick something up. As well as all the other daft things I do in my working life, I get to be bike courier for the company too. No bad eh?

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