
By CharChar

Hammock heaven!

So after very little sleep due to the lizard not been located we got up at the crack of dawn to go and swim with some more wildlife! We arrived at Xel Ha about an hour later ready to swim with the Dolphins. It was amazing, we got 44 minutes in the water with them, they kissed us, danced with us, splashed us and finally we did a foot push were they lift you and you glide along the water! After the dolphin swim we went to explore Xel Ha to find we were surrounded by more lizards, I decided then nature isn't for me! We went on the lazy river which takes you through to a lagoon, then stopped for some lunch before retiring to the hammock area, I was so relaxed there thinking the lizards can't get me but later on I saw them climbing the tree! Today's picture is on me in my hammock it was bliss!! Just back at the hotel and there's a wedding going on, we are soooo hate crashing!!! Good job I've saved my best dress for the occasion!

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