A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Friday feeling.

Don't look down!

Tired. Equally exhausted and excited. First week in the office done!

At the end of each day, before I write up the next day's plan, log off the computer & make my way to the bus, I write a reflective diary. The problem, I realise sitting here now, is that I have focused mostly on the academic side of things and haven't really stopped to think through the excitement, change & newness of it all.

I think I have focused so much on doing, on proving myself and trying to be successful that I just got a little caught up in it all. Don't get me wrong; I am so, so excited for this opportunity and grateful for it. But right now I'm just aware of my weaknesses and the bigness of it all.

But God is bigger than it all, His grace is greater than my failures and his love stronger than any loneliness.

On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand...

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