Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Merci Gustave!

SweetArt blipped a pink Eiffel Tower recently for BCAM and then I go and spot pink Statues of Liberty!! Who thinks of these things?? I have to admit I was impressed with the way they have been individualised. See why I chose my journal title.

This of course ties in really well with the current news story of statues of Grommit being painted in very unique ways and then sold off at auction to raise money for a children's hospital in Bristol! I LOVED the unique things that people have done to their Grommit statue. My favourite is Grommit Lightyear. SO COOL! :))

In my falling asleep over the keyboard last night (doing It again right now), I forgot to mention that just before I left for work, I spotted a man up the tree outside my balcony pruning the branches. He had very basic equipment, but used it so skilfully and effectively - it seemed effortless. Result - more light streaming in all three of the rooms that overlook the garden (that we don't have to look after but get to thoroughly enjoy!)

A happy productive day - G turned the kitchen counters around to make more space for herself for when she cooks. She is thrilled and keeps going in there to make sure the items haven't jumped back to where they originally were!!! We are getting ready for SweetArt to arrive on Tuesday night so a few things being sorted/shifted!! :))

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