Creeping Forward

Well I guess today was the real start of the countdown to my pacemaker ‘procedure’ scheduled for next Tuesday. Although I had my pre-op a short while ago, today I was at Warwick hospital to get my blood count to a clotting level suitable for cutting me open, but still not a danger to my heart. This involves a few days of self-inflicted needle work.

After lunch we met up with Emma who’s looking for a retro table for her flat and we took off to Barn Antiques at Long Marston and Stratford Antiques and Interiors at the Dodwell Trading Estate. The one at Barn was the wrong colour; the one at Dodwell was the wrong size. She’s sure one will turn up eventually, but she did buy a nice picture for the bathroom.

I noticed the Virginia Creeper’s leaves are turning to that lovely shade of red they do each Autumn, so I decided to capture it. I’m afraid I didn’t manage the ‘toning down the colour’ bit for very long.

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