I had the choice today, I could tidy the entire house with the exception of Daisy's bedroom, or I could tidy Daisy's bedroom. I went for the bedroom. Two and a half hours it took me. I thought I had finished then thought I would quickly change her bedding - that was another 45 minutes of clearing out the nest of books, paper, pens, clothes, blankets and at last I discovered where all the socks in the house had vanished to. But now she is is happy and we dont have to have any arguments this weekend about her bedroom. Apparently she is going to keep it this way.... (just had to write that here to record it for posterity)

Then I went to see Will's teacher about his inability to write and the fact I had decided in my head he is bored and miserable at school. He is not either of these things as it turns out and she has seen improvement in his writing!! (Dear lord!) She said he made her laugh, which for Will is the highest praise he can be given, so I can stop worrying now.

We made pizza for tea, I like taking pictures of Will's hands at the moment - they are still pleasingly podgy and dimpled. Daisy has gone to drama for her weekly coaching in overreaction and the weekend is now proper here.

Oh, AND!!! Lidls have got their Christmas supply of marzipan products in. Such joy.

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