In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

End of summer

Humidity, Thy name is sweat. It may be the end of summer. And it may be cloudy, with the sun hiding from the land earlier each day, but it still fights to hang around. Busy morning, sort of. Got new blinds fitted in the 2 kitchen windows and one on the sitting room, went to the bank, picked up stuff from the jewellers that was getting repaired, put more stuff in, put a waistcoat into the dry cleaners and all before lunch, which we had at JRD's. One if the items that was getting repaired was Deacon's watch which had a broken glass. When he hound out the price, £24.50, he then said he never wanted it fixed, and that he needs his money for bus fares etc. Janine is having none of it. Do you never know, I may have inherited another watch, not that I need one.

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