
By DonnaWanna

Miss Tiddles Makes A Bold Move!

When Jake first came to live with us 11 years ago he was a sweet 1 year old Jack Russell. Miss Tiddles was already with us at that time and she was a 1 year old too.

They didn't instantly hit it off but over the years they grew to like each other and spent many happy hours together hunting cockroaches, moths, lizards and flies in and around all the plants on the rooftop garden. She would locate them then Jake would muscle in and actually catch them, it was quite a clever operation!

He would always chase her out of the house, it started as a game but ended up quite serious, to the point where she wouldn't come inside anymore.

The rooftop garden is like a lovely big verandah on the 3rd floor. So it came to pass that she lived and ruled in the rooftop garden with a couple of lovely cat beds and a favourite chair and he lived in the apartment with his beds and toys and was just a visitor to the rooftop garden.

Now that dearest Jake has gone Miss Tiddles has daily been inching her way into the apartment. Finally today she made a bold move and came into the kitchen! Still looking a bit nervous and still expecting the dog to rush her out the door!

I snapped her as she hovered around my legs, it's lovely to see her in here, but totally gut wrenching that he's not still chasing her out, I think she misses that too!

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