Over the moon

German National Holiday - Reunification. Sun took a long time to burn through today, Angie took the dogs with OAP horse Asyr for a walk while I did some clearing up and got the carriage out of mothballs - the last time we used it was on 19th May!. Looking at that Blip again, oh boy was it cold!

Late afternoon we then harnessed up and went for a two hour drive. It was a huge success, Flash after a reasonable run just wanted to come along for the ride, Luna ran alongside but mainly in front and not once did anything to upset the horses (she barked at them a lot last time when they trotted), even freely getting back in the carriage when we were on main roads. Rosie went really well, showing no sign of rear lameness, just occasionally front left which is probably due to the current hoove problems. We altered her food this week and she seems to have reacted very well. Sultan our "problem" horse behaved very well. He's still nervous but didn't once cause any serious problem. Has to be said, being a bank hoilday there were no trucks on the road and not many tractors. Was a really good drive and we really must try to do it more often.

Having fed and watered and tidied up came in as it got dark. Quickly conjured up a vegetarian dinner (Käsespätzle) and while in the oven started up notebook to look at todays Blip candidates. Glanced at email and found some wonderful news had arrived. Absolutely over the moon - I suspect I have Angie and especially B-i-L David to thank. Will get to the bottom of it. When it becomes certain then you Blipers will be probabyl the first to hear - will take a few weeks. Boy did dinner taste good.

What more could one wish from a day? I hope all you Blipers have as much happiness on Friday as I did today.

PS the photo is not the best but it shows the two dogs making up the black & white team. Flash gave up shortly after this.

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