My very own Trolley Dolly!

After lunch this afternoon we took Ali, Euan & Eve up to Stirling and a nosey round the supermarket. An early introduction to the joys of retail therapy! Eve sat like a little angel as Grandpa pushed her round and sought out the things we were needing. I suppose it will not be too long before she wants to check out the clothing section! Later MaggieD and I took Rona for a stroll along a quiet little back lane near the new Clackmannan Bridge. Fortunately we hit a dry patch in and otherwise pretty wet day and it looks like that will continue overnight and well into the morning. Probably just average October weather but we take it kind of hard after the super summer. That said, there is a weekend ahead and rumour has it that it may be a goodish one. Rain or shine, enjoy yourselves.

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