Blurred Connection, but connection

The 1200 Warriors - It's Like (Sonny Fodera Remix)

A solid night's sleep. A busy day at work and phone conversations with 2 close friends. It was great to say the least and I hope I could help settle them as much as they settled me.

The main crux of both conversations eventually went into the idea of decision and making them for yourself. As much as we'd like to rely on our loved ones, friends and family to provide the way, we can only step forward ourselves. Sometimes we might think that certain things will be served to us on a plate, expecting positive outcomes but NO one is going to give you anything and hold your hand forever. Waiting for the love of your life or the one that got away to magically come back is like, what my uncle would alway say, "Hoping for Hope". It's bull. You can NOT expect work to be easy, you can NOT expect to win the lottery or the talent scout to pick you up out of the dark and take you to stardom. It simply doesn't work that way. True success lies within the courage to make the first step.

I have no idea what the next step is, but I'm not waiting on someone to give me the magic recipe for it. Your friends aren't going to wait for you, they are going to make their own decisions and leave you for their own path. They have to, because you truly love them. I wish I could have my friends with me all the time, I wish I could have my father tell me what to do next, I wish I could have my mother do my ironing for goodness sakes! But they are not going to because I need to make decisions for myself just as they have. Sometimes their actions are against your short term happiness, but that pain makes way for readjustment and a better you.

Nothing comes for free and I ain't waiting on a miracle to happen.

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