Wednesday: Yachats

We left Astoria this morning after a final walk round and another muse about how much we liked it.  We also had a browse in a great independent bookshop.  Fact is, I haven't read a page on this holiday.  What with looking, driving, admiring, keeping up with posting blips and researching the next destination, reading had fallen by the wayside somewhat......

The drive, as every drive has been, was really interesting and, in parts, spectacular.  We drive through temporal rainforests, dripping with moisture (the word 'fecund' was used a lot), sand dunes that had shifted so much they had almost covered the trees, and, of course, strip malls (we have noticed that every strip mall seems to have a sushi place).  

We have now arrived in Yachats, a wonderful small town halfway down the Oregon coast (I know that some blippers know this as it is a place that has featured in other journals.

Our accommodation is wonderful, right by the sea.  We had a wonderful walk, followed by dinner.  Our server, Kyle, a very earnest young man, who looked like a young Jake Gyllenhall (whom he had never heard of) was very interested in the fact that we don't have yellow school buses in the UK.  Or, at least, he pretended to be.

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