We met Dave Grohl at the dog poo bin...
This evening whilst walking at the Plague pits ... Well to be fair Shottery has not been plague pits for over 400 years but never the less they were where the dead bodies were dumped . Actually I knew it was not the very famous Dave Grohl but Tits McGee did not know it was really Mr Pryor ... He has often been mistaken for a rock star even when having a caravan holiday ...... Well I never . Mum and I ate lots of my homemade goodies today.. I did a crumble with damsons after I had blipped last night .... Mum then uttered these words 'of course you know I don't have a sweet tooth ' WTF ???she had just eaten her body weight in bloody sugar and then she says that !!! Stupid woman .I do love my mum :-) Tomorrow I am helping in 2b again .... Freaky little lot.
PS This is one of Lucy's little line of dancing men with their tongues out ... She's always leaving me little crafty thingies x
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