Third Year Abroad

By LittleLots

So another day at uni, well day is a slight exaggeration seeing as I only have one class on a Tuesday but anyway... This one was on Cervantes who is really the number one figure in Spanish literature, and yet I have never actually read or studied him. The structure of the class is a bit different to the others as we have two different lecturers, one for the first hour and one for the second. And they could not be more different. The first is a young woman probably still in her twenties, very bubbly and enthusiastic. Then in the second hour in shuffled a typical Spanish gentleman who must have been about 80, equipped with a copy of his book on Don Quijote and a fedora which he kept on for the entire lecture. Definitely made the class more entertaining!

In the evening we went to join a group in an Irish pub to watch the Celtic vs. Barca match, I wasn't so interested in the football but it was nice to be able to drink cider again! Originally we were just going to the pub for one drink, but then one drink turned into going for tapas and then the four of us remaining got distracted by 2 euro mojitos which ended in 'Oh I've never been to Babylon before, isn't that the bar with all the shots?'

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