
Yard work: swept the drive, cleared up the hedge clippings and rotting windfall, thought about getting the mower out... That corner of the garden still smells like a cider press.

Here's a nice bit of indie to keep the Autumn at bay. Seabirds are a local (to me, that is) band, born out of the ashes (as they say) of the rather marvellous Red Shoe Diaries (saw them supporting Allo' Darlin' in Leicester, bought their record, they split up...) I wasn't able to get to the Nottinghan POP! all-dayer early enough to see the second Seabirds gig (they played Indietracks this year, apparently, for their debut) but their first single is really good (and hopefully I've not doomed them all over again by purchasing the download...!)

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