Carpet of Gold....

.....dandelions :)

Looks very pretty, especially with the new growth on the trees. Just a simple little rural scene, needed a cow or two to complete the scene. It really is better viewed in Large

This taken on way home from dups, truck laden to the hilt with lots of boxes of images for the convention photographic salon. OMG, we have so much stuff to transport up. We are taking two vehicles and the other one is full to brim also.

Anyrate, off to Tekapo early tomorrow - it has been so long in the planning, a mountain of work, lots of fun, & some anguish along the way. But we can guarantee a fun event.

~~~~~~BRING IT ON, I say ~~~~~~~

I'll be out of the blipping mode for a few days, there won't be any spare time. Then Monday I'm off to Wellington to look after the grandies.

Thanks for popping in and putting my sunrise way up in Spotlight, very much appreciated.

(there are quite a number of blippers, one BIG blipmeet, look forward to catching up)

See ya,


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