Smile on!

By Silverpritt

My little helper

My car was still being fixed by the time I had to pick up OO (the heat is busted after taking a long summer vacation!), so I had to walk over. It's not such a big deal if it wasn't pouring, if I didn't have this pesky cold and if all the big umbrellas weren't left in the cars... Despite having a tiny umbrella that covered OO, our lower bodies were soaked by the time we got home and we were freezing. Later in the evening, when OO saw me tackling the spilling laundry basket, she volunteered to load the washer. After dinner, she grabbed the tablecloth and spray bottle from me and started wiping down the dinner table. "I want to help you so you don't have so much chores! All day long you help me with this and that, so it's my turn to help you!" Honestly, it's moments like these that keep me ploughing through the dreary, tiring days with chores that never seem to end.

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