Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess


Much has been resolved today. The renovations to the bathroom continued today since we were able to find and order all of the new appliances without resorting to custom made units. And a number of business issues were resolved today in my client's favor. All in all a good day.

On my way home from a meeting, I stopped by a local historical park to shoot the old buildings, barns and equipment. The sagebrush was everywhere and in full bloom. Nevada Sagebrush is the state flower and is quite pretty when in bloom. But, within 5 minutes, my eyes were tearing up and my nose was running profusely. Then I started to sneeze. Yes, I am allergic to sagebrush pollen.

But as I wandered around I saw so many bees gathering copious amounts of pollen. If you look closely, you can see all of the yellow pollen in this bees' "hair". Many of the bees carried the pollen in sacs on their legs. The sacs were so full it looked like they were carrying yellow saddlebags. I was amazed they could fly. In my already heightened allergic state, I had to keep them at a distance, since I also react to bees.

It's a good thing they aren't allergic to the pollen.

Nevada Sagebrush Lizard and the Reid Estate

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