Lenny and the boy in Dover
Another guest blip from the boy today as the girl's in need of a rest after doing more wedding accessory shopping then finishing the last batch of damson vodka back home...
I'm in Dover tonight as recruiting for staff again tomorrow at the Immigration Removal Centre. It's hard to know what to make of this place, the white cliffs and coastline are lovely but the autumnal weather makes it a bit miserable. I can't believe it's October already and the clocks go back in four weeks! Anyway, I cheered myself up with a hearty dinner and a big ice cream before retiring to my room to do some ironing...very sad I know but I bring some ironing along to pass the time while watching the telly.
Big yawn so I'm off to bed now, tomorrow should be interesting as I'll be incarcerated with hundreds of asylum seekers, foreign detainees and their Guardians, cut off from the outside world. Night night.
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