One step at a time!

By IanO

Country boy in the big smoke!

Arrived in London just before noon. I knew I was here when I got on the tube and realised no one makes eye contact, no one speaks to each other and most people are wearing earphones! A bit different to how we are in Wales! We are exhibiting at the world LPG forum in the QE2 Conference Centre near Westminster.

From the moment I arrived until the exhibition closed at 7.30pm I was speaking to people non-stop. We even had people queuing to speak to us, we must be doing something right. Today I have spoken to people from Ecuador, Uruguay, Nigeria, South Africa, Sweden, Denmark, Qatar, India, Kuwait, England, Wales and Scotland. Tomorrow is supposed to busier...!!!

Anyone reading this will probably know that I love Scotland and it just turns out that a chap visiting our stand today from Scotland knew the same people I stayed with in the Highlands back in June, what are the chances?

Anyway I am bushed now so will try and get some sleep before another long day tomorrow.

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