
By KevinFoto

Tomato & Red Pepper

Been looking for Tomato & Red Pepper soup in a tin for ages now and every time we are at the supermarket I get disappointed. So in her drive to improve her culinary skill Mrs F took it upon herself to find a recipe for it and made a lovely home-made version for me. And very good it was too.

Another evening extending the trench for the new wall although it looks like the weather is going to give us an enforced rest for the next couple of evenings. Such a shame too because we only have about a metre left to dig to get to the correct depth.

Told Mrs F that I was going to step the foundation, not really a lot of point in putting more bricks in the ground than you have too. She looked a little confused but after the step was put in the sub soil all became a little clearer.

Hope the forecast of dry weather for the weekend is correct as that will allow us to get the concrete in.

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