Tone Poem

Back in July I mentioned my excitement at the start of a creative writing course that we've put on through work. The purpose has been to encourage people who are experiencing, or who have experienced, mental distress to write pieces inspired by their life and experiences.

This evening I was back at Central Library for the final session of the course and I'm delighted to report that it's been a huge success! This has been in no small part to the fabulous and inspirational course leader - poet and mental health activist, Clare Shaw (pictured here) - and the fantastic relationship she's formed with the great group of course participants.

The group has also developed as a tight-knit source of peer support and we're hoping to be able to support them continuing to meet regularly even though the course has now officially ended.

Group members have all contributed to an anthology which we're publishing to coincide with World Mental Health Day on 10th Oct and I'm really looking forward to hearing them give a public reading in the library that night. If you live locally, why not come along? It'll be happening between 6.00pm and 7.30pm and there'll also be music from the L8 Sings Community Choir!

World Mental Health Day preparations are amongst the reasons that I've been so quiet on the blip front recently. We're co-ordinating local events and there's not only a LOT going on but there are also a LOT of details to sort out! It's been very stressful and anxiety-inducing... An irony which isn't lost on me!

You can find out more about our World Mental Health Day programme of events here.

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