Colour After Dark

I was quite busy since yesterday, and when I walked out to look for something to blip, I realised it was dark already! I decided to snap a bit of colour, with the swimming pool to the right and my home office to the left! I actually like this!

Ronnie jr came home with great news today, he got a distinction for his illustrations for 'The Foundling Bird', please do yourself a favour and check the link as well as the 10 blips following the link, if you haven't seen it before! All in all, he has brought 5 distinctions home for his second year already! Sooooo proud of him! Truly hope his hard work will pay off in this, his last few modules for the year! It takes real hard work to be so successful in his field of study!

Congratulations Ronnie, we are really so proud of you! Keep up the hard work!

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