
By Helwild

Funghi again!

This is a finite project as they will soon disappear. So while there are still a few around, I'll still be crawling around on my knees to get a shot at toadstool height!

This one is a Shaggy Inkcap, also known as Lawyer's Wig. It's edible, but only when the gills are still white.

I spotted one butterfly as well today - Speckled Wood - a hardy fellow. Also strange looking white wasps? Then I realised, as they were popping in and out of the Himalyan Balsam, it was the pollen that was making them turn white.

And I saw a Crested Grebe flying across the lake, something I've never seen before. They're usually just paddling around on the water.

It was still reasonably warm with a hint of sunshine - lovely Autumn weather.

A difficult evening planned tonight as we're in the process of completing and applying for Lasting Power of Attorney for my dad who has Alzheimers, so form filling can be a little difficult. But dad wants to do it, so it's important to sort it out.

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