Barbie Tools
Summer today. Lovely day - blue skies, little white fluffy clouds, warm enough to go without a jumper - the works! Obviously the first half of my day was spent inside scrubbing and cleaning as Mr B's family were coming over for the afternoon - but that serves me right for being so lazy on all the cold rainy days.
We had a lovely early dinner outside, though the gas on the barbie ran out before the burgers were done, necessitating a quick bottle change. It turned out to be a bit tricky - hence the tools. The other bottle was one I bought last time we worried that the gas might be running out. That was in 2005 (I know because I remember worrying about how I would manhandle the gas bottle into the car with a baby strapped to my front).
It's not that we were wrong about the bottle all those years ago: it was nearly empty. It's more that we've had very few occasions to use the rest of the gas up since then. Maybe this is the start of a long hot late summer... I'll just check the forecast.... oh, maybe not.
I was going to blip a rather splendid baked cheesecake I made (I would mention the homemade lemon curd on the top and the caramelised lemon and lime slices to decorate, but that would just be showing off). Sadly I forgot all about photos until the small remaining portion was safely clingfilmed and in the fridge. Maybe tomorrow.
Now I'm all full of burger, cheesecake and tawny port and I get a lie in tomorrow. Oh happy days.
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