A Year in Phnom Penh

By nellbj

Losing yourself in food

It is easy here to get lazy about cooking - eating out is cheap (often cheaper than eating at home); ingredients can be hard to come by; and the kitchen is over 30degrees before you even turn on the oven or the gas fired hob.

However, every so often I go through phases of wanting to cook - there is a strong sense of connection with the world for me that arises in the planning, choosing, preparing and creating of meals.

Tonight I sampled a couple of recipes from a brilliant blog I cam across recently called Sprint to the Table. Roasted pumpkin, red pepper and lentil salad, with Indian-spiced tofu scramble. I've been trying to include more protein in my diet to counter my ongoing anemia, so tofu recipes that actually taste good are a big hit.

These were fun to create and tasted delicious.

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