This and that...

I was standing outside this morning at 7 a.m. in my pj’s and a hoodie walking my new puppy. I must really love her because I do not usually leave the house without clothes, make-up and brushed hair. I was only slightly aware of the cars going by since my attention was mostly on Tessa and whether or not we had a *successful* walk! We did! I was all at once both thrilled and all too aware of my appearance. There was a car passing slowly and although I was sure it was to admire my puppy, I nervously fussed with my hair in a lame attempt to fix it. It was hopeless so I pretended to look away and then walked quickly towards the house.

Tessa is getting more and more comfortable with her surroundings and is now barking and running around with confidence. It certainly didn’t take long.
While outside with her for the sixth or seventh time (I lost track honestly), I discovered some petunias that were still looking beautiful and I decided to use them for my blip today. Besides, I can’t JUST take photos of Tessa and the grandchildren although it would be easy to fill a 365 Book with them alone.
I used my telephoto lens to get a good close up and I am very happy with how it turned out. While taking this photo I heard a noise coming from the shed.
I turned and looked and there was this little bugger staring back at me. His cheeks were full as could be!! He was probably looking to unload his stash under the shed. I took one-step towards him and he bolted. At least I got the one shot.

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