
should be about sitting at a desk with a pencil only when you feel like sitting at a desk with a pencil.

After a busy weekend and this evening's swimming, Tess had to get her homework done at 8pm tonight. It was like pulling teeth. I ended up telling her what to write because I didn't see what she was gaining from it.
I hate homework.

I hate any idea that childhood and learning should involve suffering of any kind.

I hate the weird way we have in the UK of stressing how everyone should work their tits off to be a decent human being. It's nuts.
George Osborne is on the telly right now.
He's such a dick. I'd like to slap his face with an old wet herring.

I made sloe gin today.
Correction: I started making sloe/slow gin today.
I think I made bramble jelly too. I'm waiting to see if it jellifies though.

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