don's journal

By donsjournal

Ainger Holbrows...

what a great name and the proprietor has a cool name too!

Went for a walk in Hadleigh near Ipswich this afternoon. Back to the Second Hand Bookshop which was closed last time I came.

Found a book about WW1 which I am now researching having discovered my Grandad's role in it through my family tree research. I found he was on the Front Line in WW1 in Ypres. I found his Military service record.

Happy weekend Blippers!

National Roll of the Great War (WW1)
Egan, P. (M.M.), Pte.,
King's Own Scottish Borderers

He volunteered in 1914, and in the following year was drafted overseas. Whilst serving on the Western Front he was in action at Ypres, Hill 60, Festubert, St Eloi, Neuve Chapelle, Méricourt, and La Bassée. He proceeded to Egypt in 1916, and served there until 1919, when returning home he was demobilized. He was awarded the Military Medal for conspicuous gallantry in the Field, and also holds the 1914-15 Star, and the General Service and Victory Medals.

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