Looks like it's time to harvest these curly chilli/pepper thingies. They are piment doux - sweet chillis. They don't have a lot of heat, so even wimps like me can eat them without much bother, but I think sliced and frozen or roasted and stored in oil, they will be a welcome burst of summer warmth on our winter table. I have loads of them to harvest, though I am finding it difficult to tell the types apart (I have two types of piment doux and three types of hot chillis here - but they all seem to have turned out the same!) Next year I will put labels on everything...
A misty/sunny/showery/grey/rainy/bright day today. How we manage to squeeze in so much weather without a breath of wind I don't know. Warm too - so I'm hoping to spend most of tomorrow in the garden chopping up slugs, stamping on snails (or, as instructed by my neighbour, putting the big snails in a box so he can have them for his tea) and squishing cabbage white butterfly eggs. Then there's the winter baskets to do, some figs to marinate and ... before I get all Little Women I'll also remember the accounts and the research on the new 'job' and sorting the files out.
Today the company accounts had to go in and, of course, this was the last day to do so without a fine. And of course there were a couple of glitches. Next, tax. Oh joy.
And the family cold has finally seen fit to infect me. So most of the day has been spent sneezing.
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