Sue's Eye View

By SuesEyeView

ok ... I Know You're There!

It's been a hectic weekend and the mayhem continuing into this week it seems.

I left at the crack of dawn for a hospital appointment, leaving double the amount of time needed to get there, only to then make the appointment by the skin of my teeth. There had been a nasty car accident and the traffic was grid-locked, I'm so grateful I don't have to commute on a daily basis.

This little fellow was waiting for me when I returned home and was so tiny I nearly missed him. I knew he was looking at me so I grabbed the camera. He then promptly turned his back towards me - what gratitude.

I've turned off my comments as, over the next few days, I've got an awful lot going on. I will try my best to visit your journals so, please, don't give up on me - I will be back.


p.s. I can't seem to turn comments off, (my tick wont un-tick) so if you want to leave them that's great and I'll appreciate it

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