Anti-cuts demo: Manchester, 29th September 2013

Originally planned as a demonstration against the massive cuts which this Government are planning that would mark the end of the NHS as we know it, the 50,000 plus men, women, children, young people, elders, able bodied people, disabled people, protest veterans and protest virgins, 'the hoody people' (as someone described the protesters who use black bloc tactics), environmental activists and others from all walks of life were were united in their contempt for the Westminster wankers who seem hell bent on destroying society as we know it.

There were nurses, teachers, firefighters, communications workers, engineers, musicians, social workers, students, pensioners, unemployed workers, parents and loads of others.

It was fantastic to hear music from a samba band from the PCS Union who were called: 'Drumming Up Support' and to hear a couple of left wing choirs singing from the roadside. And at the end, the portable sound system supplied by Unison (trade union) belted out the Internationale. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

However, on reflection, I don't think this was the loudest or the angriest demo I've ever been on but there was definitely a collective gasp as the demonstrators saw the obscene, patronising and downright insulting banner hung across the front of the Conservative Party conference venue which read something like: 'Supporting hard working people'. My arse.

It was also somewhat worrying to see police marksmen placed on the roof of the conference venue.

It was a long day but well worth it.

More of my photos can be seen here.

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