Cycling on parliament
Fred and I joined the Space for Cycling rally tonight, highlighting the need for safer roads for cyclists and pedestrians. There was a good turnout. I wasn't sure what kind of face to wear - happy to see so many cyclists, pedestrians and motorists in support of the rally or somber because of the serious message we were underlining. I'm backblipping this from 29 Sept and two more cyclists have died in London alone since this ride, both crushed by tipper trucks.
Trucks are rare on my route. If I see one, I stay back or even get off my bike to avoid it. The best training I've had in London was to sit in the cab of a tipper truck while a cycle officer showed what I could and couldn't see in the side mirrors or in front of the cab. That awareness was valuable. It's amazing how large the blind spots are (8ft in front of the cab, for example, if I remember correctly).
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