
By AlexDarke

Fun in the sun

Today was the day that marked my Dads 60th birthday, and he seemed chuffed at his gift of a bona fide ipod, engraved with the occasion. The activities didn't relent either with a trip to another adventure play park, and then a punt on the lake in a 6 man kayak. Gracie seemed to enjoy sunbathing mainly, but it was very enjoyable for us all. We then ventured back to my mums lodge for a birthday buffet dinner that Zoe and her had prepared. The afternoon saw crazy golf, archery and another dip in the pool before it was unfortunately time to hand in the bikes, pack our bags and depart Sherwood Forest for home. It's been a really nice family weekend, and everyone, even Noodles, has been on their best behaviour - and even Mr Sunshine, come to think of it.. E&M both got a little upset upon me dropping them off, and I had a lump in my throat also. It's been so enjoyable and will live for a long time in the memory.

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