Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Stadthalle Mülheim

I captured a much lovelier shot of our local events hall this past summer, but today, despite taking dozens of photos, I just haven't managed a better image to share. But I did enjoy the deep, clear blue sky we had today, with plenty of sunshine. Although it was still rather cool, the day was pleasant enough for a couple long walks.

In the morning, I headed downtown to a cafe where I met with a student that I mentor to review her final thesis paper. I walked a longer route home to soak in the sun and take a few pictures. The afternoon was spent with household and yard chores. Those included harvesting a large bucket of apples from the trees in our backyard. Some of the apples were diced and sauteed and mixed into pancake batter for a special dinner-time treat. In the near future I'll be making apple pies, apple sauce, and apple cobbler! Please feel free to share recipes, as I have plenty of firm, sweet apples :)

In the late afternoon I went out for another long walk and took more photos along the river. There's lots of construction going on across from the event hall and its adjacent park: the promenade is being extended and a small harbor is being built along with modern apartments and condos offering fantastic views. Mülheim is making progress in terms of great spaces for living and recreation. Now they just need to revitalize the badly declining central shopping district. New stores and restaurants would make it a much more attractive place to live.

Hope you've all had a relaxing Sunday. Good luck with the work & school week!

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