AGM day

It's that time of year, and for regular followers of this diary, you will know it is a battle of wills between the us and the German owners on the community.

Over the years we have amassed 30,000€ in surplus funds, due to the fact that we have no debtors and we spend the money wisely. This year our President would like to upgrade the pool surround, as it is now looking jaded as it is 13 years old. After a lengthy discussion we won the vote 34 - 20, so in the few weeks time the old green slabs will be dug up and a new imprinted concrete design will be laid down - cost 3000€, and they quibbled about it.

They also quibbled about the fact that as the Vice President i get the princely sum of 180€ a year in expenses!

Watch this space.

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