
Family swim at a different pool today and, I don't know who at the council thought it would be A Good Timetabling Idea to make everyone get out of the pool at the end of the fun session at 2.45 and then have to just hang around whilst they put two lanes in and let everyone back in at 3.00 but, really, it's A Crap Idea. As is making everyone wait until exactly 2.00 when the fun session starts before they let you actually pay to go in, meaning that by the time you've queued up, paid, gone in and got changed you're not in the pool until 2.10, before you have to then get out at 2.45, etc, etc. I won't say which pool it was but it started with 'Grace' and ended with 'Mount'. Oops, I just did.

Anyway, got home and the sound soon coming from the living room was an absolute rock classic belting out from the TV with my 10yr old singing along. It was by someone called Joan, but I won't link to her, instead I'll go with someone else that it made me think of, just because of the name really.

Warm Jetts

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