As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Homecoming 2013

What a day.

I woke up a little after 8:00 and went to Courtney's house to finish up the float. It looks awesome. I'm so happy that we never have to build another homecoming float again. We put so much work into something that gets thrown away on Monday.

I went home, showered, and got all prettied up for the Homecoming Parade. I drove to school and left my band uniform inside the band room. Paige came and picked me up and took me to the start of the parade. I wore the same tie and she wore the same dress, so it was basically Junior Prom take 2.

I rode in Laura's car with Stef, and Paige rode with Lou. Nick was with the football team and Alyssa was leading the marching band. The ride was long and hot, but it was fun waving to everyone on the side of the road. It was nice seeing the little kids' faces light up when we made eye contact and waved to them. When we arrived at the school, we took a ton of pictures with anyone that wanted one, and then we searched for food. We eventually went inside and scavenged some band lunch leftovers.

We couldn't find our designated seats, so we just sat way up by the press box. I ran inside and grabbed my uniform and saxophone and brought them into the press box. The Homecoming Court watched some of the game together, and then I had to leave to get changed. I quickly put my uniform on and ran down to the field with the band to perform the field show. We nailed it. I had so much fun and can't wait until the next performance.

I literally ran off the field once the show ended and met Alyssa up in the press box. By the time I got up there, she was almost done changing, so I quickly threw my suit back on. Shout-out to Tal for having my tie tied already for me; that was really cool of him. Alyssa and I ran down the bleachers and back onto the track as they announced the winners of the float competition (we only got 2nd; I thought we deserved first but it's whatever). As soon as we got there, they began announcing Homecoming King and Queen. Lou was second runner-up, Nick was first, and I was voted Homecoming King! I can't even begin to describe how thankful I am of my grade. Thank you! For the girls, Alyssa was second runner-up, Paige was first, and Stef became my Homecoming Queen. Here's a picture that Mrs. Craig took of us riding in the parade. Congrats to everyone in the Homecoming Court!

After that, I hung around to take pictures with a bunch of my friends before heading home. I showered and then went to Panera with Shannon. I love Shannon so much, and I'm alright with the fact that she only hangs out with me for the music I listen to.

I spent almost an hour laying on the floor of my dining room (regal, right?) before Paige came over and dropped my camera off. Now I'm blipping, and I can't wait to get to bed.

What a wonderful day.

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