
By Isabel

Raising a smile on the Style Mile...

Today was such a beautiful day... a real treat for the end of September. It has been such a lovely summer.
I went into Glasgow today, as I needed a new outfit for a dinner I am attending on Monday night. (Yes, honestly, I had nothing to wear! ) My husband couldn't believe it either. But that doesn't mean it isn't true!).
I got a lovely new dress. More importantly, I had a lovely time. The good weather had brought people out in force and it was lovely to see people out just enjoying the sunshine and the entertainment on offer. There were lots of lovely buskers out - 2 lovely very young ladies playing harp and violin (they will go far!), a native American group playing really atmospheric music, and just such a range of styles and talents. It was a real pleasure just to wander about and enjoy the talent on offer.
It was a real struggle to decide on today's Blip as there were so many possibles, but I eventually settled on this shot. I felt it showed the commercially viable side of Scotland in the background, and the fun and exuberant side right up front. Do you agree?

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