Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Tilly meets some Faustians

Tilly met these nice folks from 'Doctor Faustus' on the Mile earlier when we popped up to collect some tickets. They were very friendly despite being rather sinful ;o) and Tilly would have quite happily stayed around to chat, but Cherry was very tired and keen to get back home!

I'm feeling a bit like lead today. I thought it might be a good idea to move myself and get out for half an hour, have a bit of fresh air and blipping, but turns out it wasn't! So I'm going to conserve my energy and recline for the rest of the day.
My brother and his girlfriend are coming to stay tonight and we are all going to 'Best of the Fest' so fingers crossed I'm all perked up by the time they get here! I wonder if it would be a good or bad thing to go sit quietly in TeaTree for a while? Might stop me thinking about how I need to tidy up around here....but then again, I think bed might be calling...

I shall ponder and wish you all a lovely weekend! :O)

Tilly and her Fringe exploits start here!

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