Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Experimenting yet again

Large is best.

Well... I have really made an effort for my blip today! I hunted out Gs colour pencils and arranged them on this white envelope . . . Unfortunately my patience didn't last long enough to get a proper circle. Actually, the sun was going down fast and I wanted to catch the light.

I haven't been out today and that's been good because I really needed a day at home! Some getting ready for a new week at work done. The thing I need to do most is to adjust my body clock by getting myself earlier to bed.

Some of you who know me may know that after long and very careful consideration, one of my biggest conditions for joining blip was that it had to fit into my life. I wasn't going to make a great effort or go out of my way to get a picture. That said, I have to admit how much I appreciate and enjoy the work of blippers who really make an effort to get their blips. CyclingGranny comes readily to mind! Loads others too. I have learnt a lot from looking at their pictures.

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