A time for everything

By turnx3

Watchful mother

I went walking at Symmes Park late this afternoon. There weren't many people around - it was hot and humid - and I rounded this bend and there was this deer standing a little off the path. I expected her to scamper off into the trees, but instead she stood there studying me. We stood looking at each other for several minutes, and eventually she sauntered off into the trees and began eating again. I continued to watch her, and as my eyes accustomed to the shade, I could see she had a young one with her. I was surprised how calmly she had looked at me, given that her offspring was so close by. Meanwhile I kicked myself, that once again I only had my little camera with me - when its so hot and humid and I'm out principally to get some exercise, I just don't want a sticky camera strap hanging round my neck!

One year ago: Such a tough life!!

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