Week #5 -- Quiz #1
The fifth week of the semester always presents a quiz for my students, and I begin telling them about this quiz on the very first class during Week #1.
So this afternoon I was sitting at my kitchen table reading, marking, and scoring the "8 Comma Rules" that my two Thursday morning classes wrote for me today.
I realized I had not captured a photo. Oops! Well, why not the ugly truth of what I was sitting here doing. Grading quizzes. Yes, the Scantron machine grades the multiple-choice or as my students think of it, "multiple-guess" section of the quiz. I grade the hand-written comma rules.
I think it is interesting that the backyard can be seen in the screen of my laptop. I am fascinated by reflections. Silly, I know. But the truth.
So long for this Thursday in Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
P.S. This is the entry that our friend, Randy, posted on his wife's FaceBook memorial page this evening:
"Cleaning out the closet some, and I found her oh so hot long dresses that she wore for special date nights or when we were at a CADA Function. For a girl who did not like to dress up or be sexy, she sure could dress-up and wow people. I loved to see her get a bit embarassed by being noticed for her really good looks. I miss that a lot, that quick shade of blush, shy smile, and then a burst of confidence, that 'yes I am a pretty woman'."
Our friend, Stephanie, was a "tom-boy" as Randy said at her memorial service this past Saturday, "She was more tom-boy than most boys." She also could be breath-taking gorgeous. The video presentation at her memorial service contained some of the photos of her all dressed-up in those long dresses looking oh so gorgeous. All of Randy & Stephanie's friends continue to watch and read the postings that Randy is uploading and we're all in tremendous "aw" at his ability to express and convey his emotion and allow us to travel this journey -- of love lost, of loneliness, of grief -- with him.
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