Training etc.
It has been a very long day!
Up. Walk dogs. Breakfast. Packing. Off to the hall.
Sorting our stuff. Music check-in. Training in the ring. Each dog had 2½ minute to get the feeling of the surface in the ring etc. Not much time. The ring is very slippery. Hero will struggle on this surface. I did consider withdrawing, but talked to my team and I have their support to go in and do my best and if it starts to feel like Hero could get injured from slipping, then I can stop and withdraw on the day. Biscuit did slip too, but he handles slippery surface better.
1½ hour in the hotel to rest. Off to the hall again. Guided town walk in Burgum and a welcome speach by the mayor. Get-together-dinner.
The running orders for the competiton was drawn at the dinner. Hero will be competing as number 22 on Sunday and Biscuit as 37. I am happy with that.
Don't forget the competition will be broadcasted live online from this link..
The running orders can be found here.
This is my good luck present from my friend Kath. Isn't it lovely?
See you tomorrow!
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys
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