that I found yesterday in two books ( the first: Künstler im Weserbergland und die düsseldorfer Malerschule, landscapes in the tripoint of Hessen-Niedersachsen-Westfalen) and the other one by Peter Weidtkamp: Mit offenen Augen, With open eyes, a journey of discovery of nature- and culture landscape in the same tripoint).
When I awoke at 7.30 in the morning today, I saw the mist and behind it glimmered the blue already.
Immediately after breakfast and caring for the birds I walked down the hill with the intention to try a picture with the mist (if it is called fog it be so) blowing over the Weser. When I went over the railroadbridge I saw the many cobwebs at the balustrade. How could I have forgotten about them? In autumn they appear and
shine in the morning sun.
The mist on the Weser not being that spectacular I then looked for the sunrays that sometimes shine like a miracle through the trees. I almost found such a spot.
Have to remind myself that autumn is the time of the year it could happen.
Home again I watched closely the buddleia, wondering if I had not already taken enough pictures.
To my surprise a powered paraglider came sailing through the air, almost above my head, click, and again a photo made.
It is a fact that at a glorious day as it is today (an overall blue sky) too many subjects for pictures. As the beautiful Vanessa atalanta.

My haiku:

Cobwebs in large rows
No spider I can detect
However, anywhere

And the proverb:

De molensteentjes zijn versleten.

Translation: The little millstones are worn out.
The little millstones are the teeth.

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