Running to a standstill
Headed off earlyish to "squeeze" a run in around Fewston, it was on the return loop when I created enough distance between the task of running and the tasks piled up for me to return too that I stopped and stood and felt the light breeze and remembered a little of who I was and what mattered, really mattered to me and of love and kindness and that today for me is supposed to be Sabbath and I was planning a day full of work and worry and squeezing in a run.
I'm posting this as part of giving myself a good talking too. I've let life get a bit out of kilter, a bit driven with work and not just the paid job, I've found that in the pushing I've lost the value in what I do, am becoming resentful of it and feel deminished rather than fulfilled, that kindness and goodness have drifted a bit, not least to myself. I owe it to myself and others to do life better, to remember that to run you need to rest, that the best way from AtoB might not be the fastest and that somethings should wait and some things never need doing and that the most important things in life are the most important things.
Oh and I spend far too long looking at screens rather than stopping and looking at the view.
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