No more

I am the bearer of bad news today as I had heard a rumour but now have it on very good authority that CJ (beloved cob swan on our stretch of the Shropshire Union Canal) along with two of his offspring have been poisoned. The three of them were taken to the RSPCA Centre in Nantwich where CJ and one of the cygnets died and the other cygnet is in a critical condition. I am going to ring the Centre tomorrow to get the story confirmed. If it really is true then I, and many other locals, will be very sad. I know that CJ is/was only a Swan but he has been around for quite a few years now bearing offspring with Mrs. CJ every year and he will be very sadly missed.

I saw Mrs. CJ with the four remaining cygnets this evening milling around the moored boats and a couple of them came up very close to me and looked really sad, probably because I hadn't brought food but I would like to think they were missing their handsome Dad. I have put 4 other pics of them starting here.

I'm really late tonight - been very busy with visitors all evening - so apologies for no comments but will catch up very soon.

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