The postcard of your life
Square September Strikes again!
I have just accidentally deleted everything I wrote. This happened earlier this morning with my first online assignment. But nonetheless, despite keyboard problems, I submitted it by 10 am. Yay! With any luck this revised blip will be published by 10 pm.
In case you are wondering, this is the selection of postcards I picked (more or less at random) for the Life Writing assignment which was to "Write the story of your life, on a postcard. It must be legible. If you like, post it to yourself. " See here for more details.
The first card, on the left, is by local artist Maxine Relton. That was my first draft. The second one's a Colin Baxter shot of Edinburgh in the 80s. You can just see the end of George IV Bridge at the junction with the High Street. I worked at Bauermeister Booksellers on the bridge in the 80s. I wore tube skirts, pointed shoes, titanium earrings, hair gel and kohl. The computer terminals were orange, and the screen was green. The statue of Greyfriars Bobby was painted yellow by some Friday-night pranksters. In fact, didn't I use to drink (briefly) with a crowd of dental students at that very Greyfriars Bobby's bar? I also used to buy a Toffee Crisp (23p) most afternoons from the tobacconist on the bridge. Mmm, pipe tobacco!
Once, a one-armed customer stole the heaviest book in the shop. Our boss, whose name was Margaret, chased him, knocked him to the pavement, and began kicking and screaming at him. People walking past cried out "Och, that's terrible!" and it never entered her head that they could have thought she was publicly abusing a disabled man.
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