
By Cailleach

That Inking Feeling........

A new printer was delivered to my office today (one of the girls had managed to break my old one. I don't know how she managed it, but I came into work on Tuesday to find it looking as though it had fallen under a threshing machine.)

Anyway, there was a letter attached to the new printer, asking me to put the old one in the empty box, and phone the SCC team (whatever they are!) on such and such a number, to get it uplifted.

I called the number and got straight through to the IT department. I asked if that was also the number for the SCC team.

'No. Why do you want them anyway?'

I explained I wanted an old printer removed.

'So you want a new printer? Why?'

'No, I have a new printer. I'd like to get rid of the old one.'

'What's the issue you have with the old one?'

'I have no issue. It broke. The letter with the new one told me to phone this number.'

'Well you want the SCC team then, don't you!'

'Apparently. Can you give me their number please?'

'It'll be on the letter you received with your new printer.'

'Well it's your number on the letter. That's why I'm talking to you.'

'It's the SCC team you want. It's nothing to do with IT.'

'Could you give me their number then please?'

'I don't know it. Do you want me to email them?'

'Yes please.'

'What's it about then? A printer did you say?'


'And what's wrong with it?'

I think I broke the phone when I slammed it down....

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