Gareth .....

..... Shopping in the market.

At lunchtime today I met up for a blip wander around Leeds with the charming and talented street photographer and fellow blipper ZMT. We had a very enjoyable hour and a half walking around taking street portraits, although we both take street portraits in Leeds we both tend to photograph different kinds of people in different parts of the City and each of us could spot a person the other was going to ask to photograph from a distance. I'm looking forward to seeing ZMT's blip today as he took some wonderful photos.

After a fun hour or so walking around, taking photos and chatting about photography and life in general, Z had to go back to work but I carried on having a look around Leeds. I popped in to see the lads at iMales and dropped off a few prints of the photos I took of them last week and then had lunch in the market before taking a few more portraits including this one of Gareth.

Gareth was shopping in the market with his mum. I took a few photos of Gareth and chatted about his tattoos, most of which he had done himself. Gareth is a tattoo artist and was working over in Manchester but since moving to Leeds has had to work from home as he's been finding it difficult to find a place to work in the city centre. Gareth's mum was rightly very proud of his talent and managed to embarrass him by insisting he lifted up his top to show me the latest tattoos he had done on his chest.

I think I must have taken the most street portraits I've ever taken in a single day today and have added a few more photo's to a set here. I was tempted to blip the station stripes photo in the set but I've blipped a lot of mono photos recently and thought it was time for a bit of colour, so today's blip is .....

..... Gareth shopping in the market.

More Leeds Market blips.

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